Why Dirt On My Desk Made My Day!
I walked into my office after lunch last week and there was a bag of dirt on my desk. I asked my co-workers regarding it and they said that a lady named Carol wanted to share what was left from her SelfEco Garden Pot. She had taken a tour (with St. Croix Valley Tours) of our manufacturing facility last fall and received a 6-pack of the SelfEco Compostable Garden Pots.

Carol had explained to the front office employees how excited she was with her fall harvest of tomatoes and how surprised she was with what was left of the compostable garden pot after the growing season. She stated, “It really worked.” It worked so well that she was compelled to bring in the sample to show me.
I won’t lie… It made my day!
So many people are resistant to change. Here, SelfEco Garden has brought to market an Earth-friendly garden pot that is made from plants, avoids the landfills and has plant food built right into the walls of the pot. All you need to do is plant the entire pot and add water. Why would people resist this? We have growth results from Iowa State University and case studies with growers that show the benefits to using our products. https://selfecogarden.com/pages/case-studies-testing-results
Well, now you can take it from Carol, an old lady from Washington County, Minnesota… It works!
– Danny, CEO and President