Earth Day 2019
As SelfEco continues to grow, we are reminded the importance our two product lines have as they help combat the plastic pandemic disrupting oceans and landscapes around the world.
Compostable products are being mandated in cities around the world -- however don’t fit every venue or event. Caterers, restaurants, and event planners work hard on their presentation often times only to be hindered by the plate or cup in which they have to present. It has been rewarding to see our products be accepted locally in the Twin Cities with companies like Pryes Brewing Company, as well as globally with companies like Facebook, Netflix, Delta, and Walmart.
All of our products are proudly made in Stillwater, MN by our subsidiary VistaTek. Over the past few years VistaTek has set high standards to be a more sustainable facility. The goal to be a landfill-free facility is an audacious one, but is seemingly becoming more attainable each day. In the past 8 months alone we’ve redirected over 50 gaylords of plastic (nearly 10,000 pounds) away from landfills to be recycled. We’ve also upgraded each production station and updated all of the lights in our office and production area to LED. This has improved work space conditions with consistent lighting, less energy consumption, and more efficient visual inspection at the press. Quality lighting makes for quality parts! Lastly, we have been stewards of the community. With the frigid weather and record amounts of snowfall this winter, the St Croix River was expected to produce immense flooding in downtown Stillwater. The city needed volunteers and SelfEco/VistaTek stepped up!
Mother Earth is strong, but fragile. We can all make small changes to live a more sustainable lifestyle. If we appreciate Mother Earth every day -- not just on Earth Day, we will have a bright and prosperous future. Just remember there is no plan…et B.
SelfEco Garden pots are now available in select Walmart Stores!
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